Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Wow! This might have been the best sailing day all year. I didn't get out until at least 4:00PM, but stayed out until 8:30PM, thanks to my sort-of-trusty lights, so got quite a bit of time in. The wind was strong the whole time, but never overpowering. It was hazy out, but somehow it was still nice. The sun came down slow, and the moon came up bright. In the late afternoon we got to view the UVM sailing team in close-up action. Wow. That was inspiring, seeing them roll-tack in formation. I can't even roll-tack by myself. I think I'm finally ready to admit that getting into racing could be a good idea.

Megan came first, and Christine soon joined us. Later they left and Sam and Suzanna came, and then just after dusk Noelle joined us.

It's definitely been a summer of sailing with chicks! I swear... I've been inviting guys too! They just don't want to come I guess. Seriously guys... if you want to be a babe magnet... get a sailboat! My sailboat is even old and worn out and decrepit and they still love it. Imagine if you had a sailboat that wasn't old and decrepit.

You might even get a girlfriend! (Won't work for me... remember mine is old and decrepit).

Warning: there are serious risks involved in taking girls sailing, most notably the possible singing of The Little Murmaid songs. Its sort of like tending a herd of cattle, and the risk of stampede. You have to tread very lightly. One wrong move could set them off, and once started, there's no stopping them.


Blogger G. F. McDowell said...

Yeah, er, I've wanted to go.

Saturday, January 14, 2006  

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